Master Data Management - SingleVision - Business Development Solutions

Data Resources For You:
All Things Data


Appending Data

Sharing information in the most effective and efficient manner



Organizations that maintain their data in multiple databases often need to send information held by one department to another department where the information is needed on a regular basis. From time to time they may also need to append external data to their customer and prospect files. This information from other departments or external files can help employees to do a better job of selling and servicing the organization’s customers.


With BDS SingleVision, once a Common ID is placed on all the records for your customer and prospect companies, each individual company’s records are linked within your multiple internal databases and external files. With this common identifier, you can easily append all of a company’s information or selected data elements from each internal database or external file to the same company’s records in any or all other internal databases.


For example:

  • Append a Dun & Bradstreet, InfoUSA, or industry specific marketing records to your sales and marketing database in order to provide your employees with vital information on active customers and prospects.

  • Append specific data elements from one department that can help other departments deal with customers, such as account balances and contract expiration dates from accounting, or open issues and last inquiry dates from customer service.

  • Append all the best data elements about your customers and prospects to a Master Data Record that is independent from your current data sources and which any department can use while working in their own database.


For details, please contact BDS: